
2014/11/08 イベント情報

SHOWA era nostalgic museum

  • SHOWA era nostalgic museum
  • SHOWA era nostalgic museum

In Kotohira, Kagawa prefecture, SHOWA era nostalgic museum is holding till 30 Nov 2014.
You could enjoy the atmosphere of SHOWA era after seeing the farm equipment, tools there.
At the time, there were idyll countryside landscape everywhere and we used to use these equipment.
You might recall those days and happy memories would be bounced with your friends and family.
It is a holding at old KOTOBUKI-YA which is located in the shopping street of KOTOHIRA town.

staff  Mika Maruoka

こんぴらさんの参道にある温泉旅館 桜の抄

〒766-0001 香川県仲多度郡琴平町977-1
TEL:(0877)75-3218 / FAX:(0877)73-5669