
2017/06/05 Sightseeing information

Kinryo Sake Museum

Kinryo Sake Museum

Kinryo Sake Museum is a museum about Japanese sake brewing, located in Kotohira-cho, Nakatodo-gun, Kagawa Prefecture. This facility is a reconstruction of the original brewery from 1789 that started the Kinryo sake brand which is still in business today; the museum features sake-making tools and drinking vessels, daily items of the sake brewers, and also maps of the nearby area. Of course, you can also try Kinryo sake here.

Sakuranoshou Kotohira Grand Hotel

977-1 Kotohira-cho, Nakatado-gun Kagawa 766-0001
TEL:+81-877-75-3218 / FAX:+81-877-73-5669
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